
Jira Software

Triage open source policy violations in your daily workflows with automatically created Jira tickets.


Atlassian Bitbucket

Remediate policy violations in BitBucket with automated pull requests and Code Insights from Nexus Lifecycle.

Organizations innovate faster and build higher quality applications at scale with Sonatype & Atlassian

Bitbucket Automated Pull Requests

Bitbucket Automated Pull Requests

Bitbucket users can remediate issues in seconds, armed with the world’s most robust intelligence around open source software components. Automatically open pull requests to inform developers of security or license risks within their open source dependencies, including feedback on the quickest path to remediation.

Jira Software Ticketing

Jira Software Ticketing 

The Nexus platform automatically creates Jira tickets to alert development teams when known security vulnerabilities, license risks, or architectural issues are found in open source software components. Jira tickets are immediately put into daily development workflows for teams to triage including detailed insight and remediation guidance.

Bitbucket code insights

Bitbucket Code Insights

Developers using the Nexus platform integrated with Code Insights are notified when a change they make introduces risk, with feedback for the branch they are working on and the line(s) of code that introduced the violation. This information accelerates feedback loops for Bitbucket users that are critical to successful DevSecOps.

Explore the Nexus platform.

Nexus Firewall Logo

Vet parts early and automatically stop defective open source components from entering your software supply chain.


Manage libraries and store artifacts in a universal repository and share them across development teams.

Nexus Lifecycle Logo

Empower teams with precise component intelligence to enforce policies and continuously remediate risk.


Identify open source risk and remediate vulnerabilities with precise component intelligence at CI and Deployment.

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