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Resources Blog Join Us: Nexus Office Hours --- This Friday!

Join Us: Nexus Office Hours --- This Friday!

Wondering what's new in Nexus? Just ask the experts.

We're hosting another Nexus Office Hours this Friday, on Google+ Hangout On Air. Our Nexus experts Brian Fox, Manfred Moser and Rich Seddon will demo the latest in Nexus and dedicate most of the hour to Q&A time with you!

How to join: No registration required, just RSVP on Google+, and the event will appear in your calendar. You can join through your calendar invite or by returning to the event page at the start of the hangout. Be sure to bring your Nexus questions with you. If you can't make it --- be sure to leave your questions on the event page in the comments section and we'll be sure to answer them during the session. That way you can tune into the recording later, and get your answers!

*Interested in joining our panel that day in the video conference? Sign up for one of the spots on our panel, by leaving us a comment on the event page and we'll invite you in before we go live. Space is limited, so be sure to sign up early!

Please feel free to pass along this invite to your friends and colleagues.


Picture of Emily Blades

Written by Emily Blades

Emily Blades is the former Community/Events Manager at Sonatype. She is now the Community Manager at Virtru.