How to build a RAP application with Tycho
1 minute read time
Holger Staudacher, at [EclipseSource][1], has a good writeup of his experience evaluating [Tycho][0] for the [Runtime Packaging Project (RTP)][2]. Here's an excerpt of what he has to say:
Recently I played around a little with Tycho because we evaluated it for the use in the RTP project. As a test case, I decided to try to build a RAP application with Tycho. With building I mean compiling and packaging the artifacts into a WAR file in order to deploy them on a Tomcat or another Servlet Container.
I have to say that I’m really impressed with Tycho. Before this experience...
It's great to see different projects trying Tycho at the Eclipse Foundation: having standard recipes for building [RAP][4] applications would be extremely useful addition for the community. RAP is not something that Sonatype is directly involved with so it's great to get this varied perspective, and different applications types so we can make sure Tycho will work for as many use cases as possible. Thanks Holger!
Holger has some good [examples at Github][5], and you can find his original blog entry [here][3].
We are currently working on submitting the CQs for Tycho so we can move the project over to the Eclipse Foundation. I think Wayne Beaton said he wanted to help with those CQs. Right Wayne? :-)
[0]: http://tycho.sonatype.org
[1]: http://eclipsesource.com
[2]: http://www.eclipse.org/proposals/rt-packaging/
[3]: http://eclipsesource.com/blogs/2011/01/17/how-to-build-a-rap-application-with-tycho/
[4]: http://eclipse.org/rap
[5]: https://github.com/hstaudacher/org.eclipse.rap.build.examples

Jason is a co-founder and the former CTO of Sonatype.
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