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The Ulitimate Java Build System

nx-big_large1Christopher Judd places Nexus, Hudson, and Maven in his "Ultimate Java Build System" stack:

"Now after all these years, I think I found the right solutions for Enterprise Java Builds. The solution involves 5 open source projects: Maven, Subversion, Hudson, Nexus, Sonar."

We're convinced that Nexus provides the best option for repository management, and as we continue to invest in the core of Nexus, it is good to see that people are starting to notice how essential a repository manager is during enterprise software development. On Nexus, Judd writes,

"[Nexus] enables you to publish both release and snapshot artifacts, provides different views into the respository and includes searching for artifacts even their contents. In addition, it can act as a proxy to external public Maven repository providing traceablity into where artifacts came from as well as improve download performance. Both developers and Hudson can use Nexus to keep their local artifacts up to date providing continious integration for everybody all the time."

If you are interested in Nexus, Download Nexus Open Source or Evaluate Nexus Professional. If you are developing software in an enterprise, we recommend taking a look at the feature-set of Nexus Professional. Pro adds features like Staging, Procurement, LDAP integration, and P2 support.

Picture of Tim OBrien

Written by Tim OBrien

Tim is a Software Architect with experience in all aspects of software development from project inception to developing scaleable production architectures for large-scale systems during critical, high-risk events such as Black Friday. He has helped many organizations ranging from small startups to Fortune 100 companies take a more strategic approach to adopting and evaluating technology and managing the risks associated with change.