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Resources Blog Installing Nexus on a Solaris Zone

Installing Nexus on a Solaris Zone

nx-big_large1I recently setup a Nexus Pro instance on a Solaris zone for Apache. The ASF infra team requests documentation for any production instance to assist in maintenance down the road. I captured every step of the process from setting up the users, installing Nexus, hooking it into SMF (Solaris's inet.d replacement), to configuring mod_proxy and https certificates, and allowing rsync access from the Maven Central Repository.

In addition to serving as a server book for this instance, I think these docs are a great resource for users to see an end to end installation on Solaris (almost all of it is applicable to Linux as well).

I will continue to update these pages as things change and will also document exactly how I have configured the Nexus application as well, to show how to properly configure Repository Targets, Permissions, Staging Profiles, etc.

Here's the link to the docs, Enjoy.

Picture of Brian Fox

Written by Brian Fox

Brian Fox is a software developer, innovator and entrepreneur. He is an active contributor within the open source development community, most prominently as a member of the Apache Software Foundation and former Chair of the Apache Maven project. As the CTO and co-founder of Sonatype, he is focused on building a platform for developers and DevOps professionals to build high-quality, secure applications with open source components.