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Sonatype: Free Maven, m2eclipse, Nexus & Hudson Training in New Orleans!

At Sonatype we're always working on our training material and always looking for better ways to improve it. [Brian Fox][brian], [Bruce Snyder][bruce], and myself are going to be at ApacheCon this year to catch up with folks so we decided to provide a free one day training to gather feedback on the course material we have produced. The training will be held at the [Marriot][1] on Tuesday November 4th from 9am to 4pm. If you come to the training you'll learn about learn about:

- [Maven][maven]
- [m2eclipse][m2eclipse]
- [Nexus][nexus]
- [Hudson][hudson]

This course is intended for folks who are already somewhat familiar with Maven as the goal of the course is to show you how to setup your development environment where Maven is working optimally for a team setup, your developers are productive with Maven in Eclipse with m2eclipse, where your team artifacts are managed and secured by Nexus, and your build automation is humming along in Hudson.

We don't have a lot of room available as this was a spontaneous decision given our training material is coming along faster then we expected. If you are interested in participating please email as at training at sonatype dot com and we'll get you signed up. This is on a first come, first serve basis so if you're interested I suggest you sign up quickly!

Everyone is welcome to sign up for the training. If you happen to be at ApacheCon or if you live in the area and are interested in Maven related technologies then by all means sign up!


Picture of Jason van Zyl

Written by Jason van Zyl

Jason is a co-founder and the former CTO of Sonatype.