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5,000 IT Pros Told Us Happy Developers Create More Secure Code (we have the stats to prove it)

Delve into the Practices of Mature DevOps Organizations

We heard from over 5,000 developers in our 7th annual DevSecOps Community Survey. Our authors, Derek Weeks & DJ Schleen review the results of the survey in their Keynote address at All Day DevOps Spring Break Edition. Key takeaways include:

  • Happier developers are 2.3x more likely to be using automated security tools 
  • 28% of mature DevOps practices confirmed an open source related breach 
  • 47% developers know security is important, but don't have time to spend on it 



Derek Weeks

VP & DevOps | Sonatype

DJ Schleen - Headshot

DJ Schleen

Master of Security Automation | Rally Health