sonatype lifecycle
Automatically find and fix open source vulnerabilities across the SDLC.
90% faster time to vulnerability remediation
0.01% false positive rate, saving dev time
270M open source components catalogued
More than 70% of the Fortune 100
secure their software supply chain with Sonatype.

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90% faster time to vulnerability remediation
0.01% false positive rate, saving dev time
270M open source components catalogued
More than 70% of the Fortune 100
secure their software supply chain with Sonatype.

“Using Sonatype Lifecycle, we’re able to identify risks earlier than ever before in the development process — especially compared to six months ago. Sonatype Lifecycle works very well within our DevOps practice.”
VP of Quality and Risk Management, Trilliant

“We selected Sonatype Lifecycle because it has a very, very detailed explanation of the open source vulnerabilities and dependencies compared to other products.”
Chief Architect, KKB