Most of the time it is fairly difficult for a junior developer to make sense out of things happening behind the scenes. This happened in one of my interactions with a junior developer recently. I asked, "what happens when you do a Maven deploy and Maven install?". I did not get the expected answer. Therefore, I felt that showing a practical example would help that person understand the set of activities happening behind the scenes, and could help you, too.
I divided this tutorial into series of easy-to-follow steps, below. I also recorded a video that demonstrates each step. If you are brand new to the topic, check out the free class that Sonatype offers called, "
Repository Management Basics".
Step 1 - Create a snapshot repository for publishing the artifact on
Nexus Repository OSS or
Nexus Repository Pro.
(To learn more about snapshot repositories and release repositories, refer to this discussion on
Stack Overflow
Step 2 - Create a release repository used to publish the artifact to production.
Step 3 - Create a group repo, which is a combination of snapshot and release repo put together.
Step 4 - Download the initializer project from to create a sample project that will be published to repository.
Step 5 - Configure settings in xml file related to Maven. To learn more about settings please refer to this post by
Step 6 - Create profiles in Maven, a concept used to group certain configuration under one heading. Here are some additional resources:
- Mykong - Maven profile examples
- Apache Maven - Guide to Profiles
Step 7 - Configure the credentials of your Nexus server.
Step 8 - Configure release and snapshot repo created in step 1 and 2 on the Maven side. This will allow Maven to publish the artifact to the repo.
Step 9 - Double check that the repo id matches.
Step 10 - Run the command for publishing an artifact to Nexus Repository.
Steps 11 and 12 - Publish the artifact to release repo using a different profile in Maven.
Written by Awkash Agrawal
Awkash is a developer advocate. He helps developers, QA, and DevOps people reach their true potential, unblocking them so that they can achieve goals faster. "I love to explore latest technologies and manage large teams. I believe technology should be simple otherwise it is hard to adopt and survive. My specialties are in polyglot modern systems such as Java, Spring, Cloud, Docker, Angular, and CI/CD."