The DevSecOps Tribe continues to thrive as we plunge into 2018. At RSA Conference 2018, we'll all get together to hear the latest from DevSecOps practitioners who have succeeded, failed and everything else in-between. The day starts with Shannon Lietz giving an overview of the history of DevSecOps, leading into "Security is the Center of a DevOps World", a story based discussion where Shannon, Paula Thrasher and Caroline Wong bring decades of war stories to the table as practitioners on the front lines of software security.
The rest of the day features sessions hosted by well known DevOps advocates John Willis, Damon Edwards, Courtney Kissler, Derek Weeks and James Wickett. Each host will introduce a new session by featuring an upcoming member of the community who has a story to tell. The day concludes with Stephanie Derdouri, Lisa Phillips, Syamla Bandla, and Chenxi Wang focusing on "DevSecOps – It’s a People Thing".
DevSecOps Day is on the opening day of RSA Conference 2018, Monday, April 16. You can receive a complimentary ticket to the event by choosing "Expo Hall Pass" and entering the code 18UDEVOPSXP. The $100 fee will be waived at checkout, and you'll have access to the entire day of DevSecOps sessions as well as the ability to explore the conference expo hall for the rest of the week.
It's a full day of real world DevSecOps stories, with practitioners talking to their peers. Please register early, we were near capacity last year and I'd hate to see you miss out.
9:00am to 9:10am
Welcome and Introductions
Alan Shimel and Mark Miller
9:10am to 9:55am
Security is the Center of a DevOps World
Shannon Lietz, Director, DevSecOps, Intuit
Paula Thrasher, Director of Digital Services, CSRA
Caroline Wong, Vice President of Security Strategy, Cobalt
10:00am to 10:25am
Evolving Your Security Mindset to Embrace DevSecOps
Bankim Tejani, Sr. Manager, Digital Product Security, Under Armour
Hosted by James Wickett
11:15am to 11:40am Fannie Mae's Journey to DevSecOps
Chitra Elango, Cyber Security Manager , Information Security, Fannie Mae
Hosted by John Willis
11:45am to 12:10pm
Reducing Enterprise Risk with DevSecOps: Release the Monkeys!
DJ Schleen, DevSecOps Evangelist, Aetna
Hosted by Shannon Lietz
1:30pm to 1:55pm
Driving Security through ReUse in Mission Critical Applications
Colin Wynd and Jonathan DeRose, Federal Reserve Bank of NYC
Hosted by Derek Weeks
2:30pm to 2:55pm
Zero to Ninety in Securing DevSecOps
J Wolfgang Goerlich
Cyber Security Strategist, CBI (Creative Breakthroughs, Inc.)
Hosted by Courtney Kissler
3:55pm to 4:30pm
DevSecOps – It’s a People Thing
Stephanie Derdouri, Director Vulnerability Management, Information Security, Fannie Mae
Chenxi Wang, founder, The Jane Bond Project
Jayne Groll, CEO, DevOps Institute
Sandra Escandor-O'Keefe, Security Engineer, Fastly

Mark Miller serves as the Senior Storyteller and DevOps Advocate at Sonatype. He speaks and writes extensively on DevSecOps and Security, hosting panel discussions, podcasts, and webinars on tools and processes within the Software Supply Chain.
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