April 1, Fort Worth Star-Telegram – (Texas; International) Computer hacker tries to steal $1.8 million from Arlington’s bank account. A computer hacker tried to steal $1.8 million from the city of Arlington, Texas’ bank account in late February, but officials would not release details, citing an ongoing investigation. City treasury staff, using internal audit controls, detected the fraudulent transfers and recovered the money, an Arlington spokeswoman told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram March 31. It was not revealed how and when the hacker accessed the account information, how much was in the account, or what the city did to improve security. Arlington Police initially handled the investigation, but a source said the FBI is taking over. After the breach, the spokeswoman said the city is reviewing systems and control measures and is working closely with security consultants, banking regulators, and investigators.
Source: http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/04/01/3850876/computer-hacker-tries-tosteal.html#storylink=cpy

Ali Loney is a Senior UX Designer at Walmart Labs. She is based in Canada and was the former Graphic Designer at Sonatype.
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