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Resources Blog DZone Gets to the Bottom of the Maven Rescue Mission

DZone Gets to the Bottom of the Maven Rescue Mission

This week DZone chatted with Sonatype's Jason van Zyl about the upcoming Maven Rescue Mission. They discuss why's Maven infrastructure is causing developers so many headaches, how Nexus OSS can save you from hell, and the final straw that became the catalyst for the Maven Rescue Mission on March 5.

The Maven repository infrastructure at is very difficult for a Maven-based project to use...The Nexus OSS infrastructure provides the easiest way for Maven-based projects to publish their artifacts.

To read the full DZone article, click here.

Picture of Heather Loney

Written by Heather Loney

Heather is the Communications and Community Engagement Officer at the Upper Grand District School Board. Prior to her current position, Heather was the Senior Producer for Special Projects at Global News and a Copy Editor at Sonatype. Heather managed a team of digital journalists, covering national and international events, as well as consumer, tech and lifestyle news for Heather has significant experience in journalism, new media, digital storytelling, SEO and social media best practices, WordPress and other content management systems, photography and research.