Nexus book update: Sonatype Nexus Repository 1.5 content and community-driven corrections
By Tim OBrien
12 minute read time

The latest edition of Repository Management with Nexus, Edition 2.1, has been released. This edition includes new content about Sonatype Nexus Repository 1.5.0 Open Source and Enterprise LDAP. Edition 2.1 also contains almost 100 corrections which were driven by the community.
The following changes were introduced in Edition 2.1 in February, 2010:
Updated content for the Nexus 1.5.0 Release
- Updated Nexus Open Source version to 1.5.0 (NXBOOK-433)
- Updated Nexus Professional version to (NXBOOK-434)
- Added information about the Open Source LDAP Feature to
Section 1.2.1, “Nexus Open Source Features”. (NXBOOK-435) - Added information about the Enterprise LDAP Feature to Section 1.3.1, “Nexus Professional Features”. (NXBOOK-437)
- Updated Section 1.4, “Choosing a Nexus Edition” to reflect
the LDAP feature changes. - Updated Chapter 2, Repository Management to reflect the LDAP
feature changes. - Added Section 7.6, “Enterprise LDAP Support”. (NXBOOK-436)
- Throughout Chapter 8, Nexus Procurement Suite there are alternating
references to a strategy known both as the "Secured Development
Repository" and the "Procured Development Repository". To avoid
confusion the strategy is now referred to as "Procured Development
Repository". (NXBOOK-420) - Removed the Nexus Plugins chapter. This chapter was incomplete
and incorrect. Until we can commit to a larger survey of available
Nexus plugin, it makes sense to remove this chapter. (NXBOOK-445) - Updated Figure 1.1, “Sonatype Nexus Feature Matrix” to include Nexus
1.5.0 features. (NXBOOK-421) - Section 3.4, “Running Nexus” contained a reference to
a login dialog figure that has been removed. This reference has been
removed. (NXBOOK-402) - Section 7.3, “Connection and Authentication” stated that the LDAP
authentication user had to be a user with administrative rights to the
LDAP server. This is incorrect, copy updated to state that the user
simply needs to have privileges to read all users and groups. (NXBOOK-31) - Added labels to figures in Chapter 16, Artifact Bundles. All of
these figures were missing proper labels. (NXBOOK-328) - Updated the copyright year.
- Numerous updates to Chapter 9, Nexus Staging Suite
- Rewrote portions of Section 9.1, “Introduction”
to make the introduction more straightforward for new users.
(NXBOOK-423) - Changed the "Installing Staging Suite" section to Section 9.2, “Using the Nexus Staging Suite”. Since the Nexus Staging Suite
is bundled with Nexus Professional, it doesn't make any sense to
provide installation instructions. (NXBOOK-425) - Made sure to reference that target created in Section 9.3.1, “Configuring a Staging Target” from Section 9.3.2, “Configuring Staging Profiles”. In the previous
edition, we made no mention of the Sonatype Sample target when
creating the staging profile. This change makes the section more
direct, you define profiles to be activated when an artifact
matches a repository target. (NXBOOK-429) - Reordered the sections in Section 9.3, “Configuring Staging Profiles”. The previous edition started
with role assignment. This doesn't make sense in the workflow of
defining a Staging repository because the act of defining a
Staging Profile creates several new roles. (NXBOOK-428) - Added "Close Staging Repository Rulesets" to Section 9.3.2, “Configuring Staging Profiles”. (NXBOOK-430)
- Fixed a label problem with Figure 9.3, “Enterprise Menu after Staging Suite Installation”. (NXBOOK-427)
- Added some lists to Section 9.3.3, “Adding the Staging Deployer Role” to clarify the staging
roles. The previous edition lacked an explicit list of the roles
created by a Staging Profile. (NXBOOK-426)
- Rewrote portions of Section 9.1, “Introduction”
- Fix typos through the book (most issues subtasks of NXBOOK-256
and NXBOOK-220)- Fix a typo in Section 5.7, “Log Files and Configuration”.
"Logs and Config Files is only visible" is now "The Logs and
Config Files link is only visible" (NXBOOK-258) - Fixed a typo in Section 2.1.3, “Getting Control of Dependencies”.
"producing a application" is now "producing an application".
(NXBOOK-255) - Fixed a typo in Section 9.6.2, “Defining Rulesets for Promotion”. "Nexus Professional
was check" is now "Nexus Professional will check". (NXBOOK-416) - Fixed a spelling error in Section 9.5, “Uploading a Staged Deployment in Nexus”. "expose a button
labelled" is now "expose a button labeled". (NXBOOK-259) - Fixed a typo in Section 5.5, “Uploading Artifacts”. "When you build makes
use" is now "When your build makes use". (NXBOOK-260) - Fixed a typo in Section C.3, “Configuring Nexus to Serve SSL”.
"this instructions" is now "these instructions". (NXBOOK-261) - Fixed a typo in Section C.3, “Configuring Nexus to Serve SSL”.
"But, Jetty can easily" is now "Jetty can also". (NXBOOK-262) - Fixed a typo in Section A.7, “Configuring Artifactory Clients to Use Nexus”.
"identifer" is now "identifier". (NXBOOK-264) - Fixed a typo in Section A.5.2, “Configuring Artifactory Repository Imports”.
"Repostiores" is now "Repositories". (NXBOOK-265) - Fixed a sentence structure issue in Section A.1, “Introduction”. "using a web
application which exposes" is now "using a web application,
exposing". (NXBOOK-266) - Fixed a sentence structure issue in Section 5.5, “Uploading Artifacts”. Fixed a spelling
error in same section. "labelled" is now "labeled". (NXBOOK-269) - Fixed a few typos in Section 9.3.2, “Configuring Staging Profiles”. (NXBOOK-271)
- Fixed a spelling error "LDAP Integeration" is now "LDAP
Integration" in Figure 1.1, “Sonatype Nexus Feature Matrix”. (NXBOOK-408) - Fixed typos in Section 1.3.1, “Nexus Professional Features”.
- "integration" changed to "integrate". (NXBOOK-403)
- "to sign up for [an] account" (NXBOOK-404)
- Fixed a typo in Section 2.3, “What is a Repository Manager”.
"Once you start [to] rely..." (NXBOOK-405) - Fixed a typo in Section 3.2.2, “Installing Nexus Open Source”: "whenever" ->
"wherever" (NXBOOK-406) - Fixed an error in Section 3.4, “Running Nexus”.
Section was pointing to the wrong location forwrapper.log
. (NXBOOK-401) - Fixed a mispelling in Section 18.3, “Creating a Complex Plugin”. "ApplicaitonEventMulticaster"
-> "ApplicationEventMulticaster" (NXBOOK-365) - Fixed a spelling error in Section 8.1, “Introduction”. "funnelled" is now "funneled".
(NXBOOK-274) - Fixed a typo in Section 7.5.2, “Mapping External Roles to Nexus Roles”. "bring a up"
is now "bring up". (NXBOOK-275) - Fixed a typo in Section 7.5.1, “Mapping Nexus Roles for External Users”. "To explore these
two sets of user[s]" (NXBOOK-278) - Fixed a typo in the title of Table 7.9, “Group Element Mapping Configuration for posixGroup”. "posixAccount" should
be "posixGroup" (NXBOOK-31) - Reworded the initial sentence of Section 2.2.3, “Addressing Resources in a Repository” for clarity. (NXBOOK-252)
- Reworded portions of Section 2.2.4, “The Central Maven Repository”. (NXBOOK-252)
- Removed the first sentence of Section 2.4.3, “Ease the Burden on Central”. (NXBOOK-249)
- Fixed a spelling error in Section 2.4.6, “Deploy 3rd Party Artifacts”. "hand-crafting" is now
"handcrafting" (NXBOOK-248) - Fixed a that/which in Section 2.4.6, “Deploy 3rd Party Artifacts”. (NXBOOK-248)
- Added a hyphen to "developer-managed" in Section 2.5.1, “Stage Zero: Before Using a Repository Manager”. (NXBOOK-247)
- Fixed several sentence structure issues in Section 2.5.1, “Stage Zero: Before Using a Repository Manager”, Section 2.5.1, “Stage Zero: Before Using a Repository Manager”, and Section 2.5.3, “Stage Two: Hosting a Repository Manager”. (NXBOOK-246)
- Fixed a sentence structure issue in Section 2.5.3, “Stage Two: Hosting a Repository Manager”. (NXBOOK-245)
- Fixed sentence structure issues in Section 2.5.4, “Stage Three: Continuous Collaboration” and Section 2.5.5, “Stage Four: Lifecycle Integration”. (NXBOOK-244
and NXBOOK-243) - Fixed a sentence structure issue in Section 3.2.2, “Installing Nexus Open Source”. (NXBOOK-239)
- Fixed a that/which issue in Section 3.2.3, “Installing Nexus Professional”. (NXBOOK-238)
- Fixed a typo in Section 18.1.2, “Nexus Extension Points”.
"descriptor with is" is now "descriptor which is". (NXBOOK-363)
- Fix a typo in Section 5.7, “Log Files and Configuration”.
The following individuals provided valuable feedback resulting in
fixes and changes in Edition 2.1:
Anders Hammar
Brian Demers

Tim is a Software Architect with experience in all aspects of software development from project inception to developing scaleable production architectures for large-scale systems during critical, high-risk events such as Black Friday. He has helped many organizations ranging from small startups to ...
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