Welcome to the weekly roundup of blog posts that mention Nexus, Maven, and other projects that Sonatype developers contribute to.
Wakaleo Consulting: Parameterized web tests with Maven and Selenium
"Selenium is a popular web testing framework, well known for the Selenium IDE, which lets you record and replay web tests in the form of HTML files. However, that is not my preferred way of using Selenium. In fact, I much prefer using tools like Selenium for Acceptance Test-Driven Development. The high-level Selenium API is great for writing executable acceptance tests. This approach also works well with easyb, but in this article, for simplicity's sake, we'll just be sticking to plain old JUnit-driven acceptance tests."
On Friday, 13 November 2009
Rants, Raves and Ridicule: Using Maven to Develop Scala
"Here's my presentation for the Scala LiftOff (East Coast) Conference."
By Josh Suereth, on Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sleepless in Salt Lake City: Hibernate Shards, Maven a Simple Example
"In my career as a Java Developer, I have encountered cases where data of a particular type is split across multiple database instances having the same structure but segregated by some logical criteria. For example, if we are in a health organization, it is possible that member (you and me, patients) data for one health plan A is in one database while member data for health plan B is in another database."
By Sanjay Acharya, on Saturday, September 27, 2008

Jason is a co-founder and the former CTO of Sonatype.
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