Jason and I are doing a Maven tutorial at Øredev, a developer conference in Malmo, Sweden. The session is on Tuesday Nov 3 and will be based on Sonatype's MVN-101 course, where we will explain the motivation behind Maven and go through its core concepts. The emphasis will be on the Project Object Model (POM) and underlying fundamentals such as the Maven lifecycle, plugins and goals, and its dependency management. Related development tools such as M2Eclipse will also be covered. The target audience for this session are developers who want to understand how Maven works and how to use it.
MVN-101 is a full-day course while the session at Øredev is time-limited to one afternoon, so it will be adapted to the participants' knowledge level. As Tim blogged about in an earlier post, people new to Maven will benefit from the coverage of the fundamentals of Maven. However, if you have been using Maven for a while you will appreciate the thorough refresh and I think you most likely will learn something you did not already know about Maven.
Be sure not to miss Jason's session on Maven 3.0 on Friday Nov 6 either! It's going to be busy week for him as he is also speaking at a Maven meetup that I am organizing for the Swedish JUG in Stockholm on the 5th. For us Swedes, it is going to be a Maven week!
I, Anders Hammar, am a software architect and developer working for Devoteam Sweden. I strongly believe that having conventions and good tools is necessary in order to be productive, I use Maven and tools such as M2Eclipse and Nexus in my daily work. I also help our customers implement development environments based on Maven. For the Swedish market, Devoteam Sweden is working with Sonatype, providing Maven training and other services. I will blog here as a Maven fan for the community.