In Other News: Blogs and Tweets
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Welcome to the weekly roundup of blogs and tweets that mention Nexus, Maven, and other projects that Sonatype developers contribute to.
Vaadin blog: Vaadin 6.1 goes to Maven and adds Google App Engine support
"It is now easy for Maven users to enhance their web projects with Vaadin user interfaces. The latest 6.1 version of the Vaadin Java web library is now available also for Maven users, via the Maven central repository."
by Sami Ekblad September 10, 2009 9:34 AM
The Lazy Dev: Wicket Stuff Core - Maven2 generated site
"Maven2 has a power site generation tool. I cannot find this on the web for wicketstuff-core so I checked out the whole svn trunk and generated it on my machine. First news, it worked perfeclty Second, the generated site is very helpful in understanding what stuff are available for wicket."
by Daniele Dellafiore on September 9, 2009
The Lazy Dev: Use update-alternatives to upgrade maven installation on Ubuntu
"Use debian update-alternatives to easily swith from different version of the same program you have installed on your machine. Or, more frequently, just to switch to a new version in a fast and clean way. Let's make a simple example with maven."
by Daniele Dellafiore on September 2, 2009
Stash's Development: Playing with Scala and Maven
"Recently, I've taken up an interest in Scala and wanted to try it out with Maven. Luckily, people have already blazed this path for us by developing a Scala plugin for Maven. In this post, writing as I go, I'm going to play with what we can do with this plugin to get started."
by John Prystash on Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 1:40 PM
Next Presso: WTP + M2eclipse + Seam : Maven works!
"Lucky me ! It's only now that I need that one of my Seam project works with Eclipse WTP and Maven. Lucky because a few months ago, that tutorial would have been impossible to write. This article will show how to adapt a JEE5 project in order to make it usable with Eclipse WTP and Maven."
by Antoine Sabot-Durand on June 29th, 2009
JetBrains Zone: How to use Intellij IDEA and Maven 2 together for debugging and context help
"Latest version of Intellij IDEA has excellent integration with Maven 2. I want to explain one tip that could help you to gain productivity."
by Alexander Shvets on Mon, 2008/02/11 - 11:22am
neotyk: Advice for #Maven #MOJO #Plexus users, try sticking to defaults. Will save you lots of time.
Tuesday, September 15th at 14:51:22
david_horwitz: learning to love the maven assembly plugin
Tuesday, September 15th at 14:40:52
aheritier: +1 RT @jvanzyl:The Loving Iron Fist of Maven. The Enforcer Plugin is probably the most under utilized plugins there is: http://bit.ly/23mL5
Tuesday, September 15th at 14:37:03
SciComp: pf9 [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag sns-translation-client/2.13.3 http://tinyurl.com/TSchg/4334
Tuesday, September 15th at 13:58:32
mentby: How do you release your projects? #maven http://bit.ly/1COTwe
Tuesday, September 15th at 13:05:53
evenisse: Useful Maven Plugins: Part 2 http://bit.ly/itG68
Tuesday, September 15th at 13:05:50
antoine_sd: @jlrigau thanks for RT #WTP #M2eclipse #Seam #Maven http://bit.ly/E4ZN5
Tuesday, September 15th at 08:08:35
bubbl_scala: Running Scala specs tests in Maven with JUnit 4 - mccv http://ff.im/-88qza
Tuesday, September 15th at 05:56:16
aikisteve: Gonna put Maven into the project today. And then test the deploy on a local server. Hope it works out like a charm
Tuesday, September 15th at 05:28:01
kevinSuttle: @bpanulla I like to write Ant Tasks by hand (at least at first). Does Maven offer something better as far as GIT integration? #n00b
Tuesday, September 15th at 05:20:30
virtualandy: Silly question - do I have to download the GMaven src & build? Or is there a .jar that I just can't seem to find on codehaus? #groovy #maven
Tuesday, September 15th at 03:17:25
yyamano: Should we use http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/velocity/velocity/ instead?
Tuesday, September 15th at 01:41:10
steffeng: Impressed by apache http://hudson.zones.apache.org/ and sonatype https://grid.sonatype.org/ci/ continuous builds. Sort of entertaining.
Monday, September 14th at 22:43:12
stuartsierra: Built custom #clojure #maven plugin with REPL & non-submodule #swank http://bit.ly/yil7g
Monday, September 14th at 21:58:31
stuartsierra: Building parent #maven POMs for AltLaw.org, custom builds of #swank #clojure #hadoaop
Monday, September 14th at 21:13:09
avinashmeetoo: Maven: The Definitive Guide | Sonatype: Maven and Nexus: Enterprise build and release management http://ff.im/-86QFt
Monday, September 14th at 19:04:27
thierry_n: Today I had the opportunity to use the scope "import" introduced in #maven 2.0.9... Useful ...
Monday, September 14th at 18:41:02
AntonKronseder: Stumbled over a nice trick to disable an inherited #maven plugin: add a plugin element with an execution for pahse 'none'. Works great.
Monday, September 14th at 16:47:59
Steve_Oakley_: is looking for a snr J2EE developer for large co' in NL. Fixed location. Websphere, Junit, Maven and Flex. Contact me to discuss or refer?
Monday, September 14th at 15:56:11
SciComp: pf9 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration http://tinyurl.com/TSchg/4328
Monday, September 14th at 15:52:05
fmcypriano: @graemerocher What changed in maven plugin 1.1? Is it working with Grails 1.2?
Monday, September 14th at 15:24:31
graemerocher: Done releasing version 1.1 of the Maven Grails plugin. Will take a little while for it to propagate to the central repo I guess. #grails
Monday, September 14th at 15:16:07
jlrigau: Good article (fr/en): #WTP + #M2eclipse + #Seam : c'est bien #Maven ! « Next Presso http://bit.ly/E4ZN5
Monday, September 14th at 15:18:50
jlrigau: Very usefull for #Maven users: Sonatype Nexus Maven Repository Manager http://bit.ly/tS6hL
Monday, September 14th at 15:38:51
bfhall: Maven profiles rock! Lots of power and relatively easy to use.
Monday, September 14th at 15:00:22
munkius: @larsvonk then go for a parent pom. You can check apache maven artifacts for an example. In the parent you can include shared dep's & stuff
Monday, September 14th at 14:22:49
peter_pilgrim: RT @jvanzyl: I'll be at Skills Matter tonight giving a talk on Maven, M2Eclipse, Nexus and Hudson: http://bit.ly/27Z5YL (Jason Best Luck!)
Monday, September 14th at 14:07:16
prauber: what is the advantage of maven? it downloads all dependencies itself. what is the disadvantage of maven? it downloads dependencies itself.
Monday, September 14th at 12:46:32
munkius: @larsvonk check out nexus as a maven repository manager. You can auto-feed this by your ci-system
Monday, September 14th at 12:34:54
alblue: RT @benoitx @jvanzyl Looking forward to the Maven talk tonight at #skillmatters <<< wish I could be there, hope it goes well
Monday, September 14th at 11:56:38
antony: RT @graemerocher: Working on releasing the 1.1 version of the Grails maven plugin to the Codehaus repos <-- My hero
Monday, September 14th at 11:09:26
javatv: #java New video: Using the Naked Objects 4.0 Maven Archetype http://bit.ly/12a19a
Monday, September 14th at 10:54:41
graemerocher: Working on releasing the 1.1 version of the Grails maven plugin to the Codehaus repos
Monday, September 14th at 10:52:15
jvanzyl: I'll be at Skills Matter tonight giving a talk on Maven, M2Eclipse, Nexus and Hudson: http://bit.ly/27Z5YL
Monday, September 14th at 10:36:53
delicious50: M2Eclipse: Home http://bit.ly/gSvGd eclipse maven plugin
Monday, September 14th at 10:23:06
jneira: M2Eclipse: maven plugin for Eclipse Home http://tinyurl.com/mepnhz
Monday, September 14th at 10:22:42
olivergierke: Btw. probably was unfair to @m2eclipse... They moved to jira.sonatype.org... Was really hard to find out at the old Codehaus one...
Monday, September 14th at 09:31:46
erani01: Searching how to build custom package with Maven
Monday, September 14th at 07:20:49
anpieber: couldnt there be a forced guidline for apache projects to use maven?!?!? Tried to build ode; buldr... hurray yet another build tool...
Monday, September 14th at 07:23:27
nerdgerl: playing round with clover - trying to get it to work with multi-module maven project
Monday, September 14th at 06:58:17
dirmgr: Just released UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java 1.1.0. Includes LGPLv2.1, Maven & OSGi support, and more. http://tinyurl.com/kukzkb
Monday, September 14th at 06:45:18
mediaslave: #Scala and #Lift are nice. Like the frameworks they use, blueprint, jquery, etc. Plus jvm and maven integration. need to explore them more
Monday, September 14th at 05:56:39
i386: now @zhasper and I are configuring the maven-compiler-plugin together. This is true love, people. Build love.
Monday, September 14th at 04:58:47 - Reply - Retweet - View
i386: I cant beleive im helping @zhasper with Maven
Monday, September 14th at 04:50:35
omargomez: Happen to be doing a compiler with ANTLR. Netbeans+Maven+ANTLR is just fantastic. Anyone knows a better tool? (even if not Java based)
Monday, September 14th at 04:32:36
miztylaneous: brought Maven to work today. XD
Monday, September 14th at 04:08:33
mwhooker: wow, Maven is actually kind of enjoyable to watch work
Monday, September 14th at 03:51:05
Georg_Tavonius: I did it! Finally, I got NetBeans, Maven and Scala to work together and rendered my first website using Scala in the backend. #scala #maven
Sunday, September 13th at 21:49:38
timperrett: Just finished refactoring a legacy project into Maven - despite its foibles its still miles better than Ant or plain ol' Eclipse
Sunday, September 13th at 20:18:41
burkewebster: Working on a Maven plugin for JsTestDriver
Sunday, September 13th at 14:41:47
Exmatrikulant: Watching some presentations on slideshare. Topics: Maven, Ant, Nexus, Hibernate
Sunday, September 13th at 14:21:19
timdrury: setting up Hudson, maven, and maven repo to build some tools, plugins used in SAP ME
Sunday, September 13th at 13:58:54
flying_gramma: http://tinyurl.com/qwcyqm How to use Intellij IDEA and Maven 2 together for debugging and context help | JetBrains Zone
Sunday, September 13th at 10:05:10
gdickens: Is there any way to generate a maven pom file from a project in Eclipse or IntelliJ #maven #eclipse #intellij
Sunday, September 13th at 15:30:04
acdog: [yescache] http://bit.ly/11HHlM Artie Copeland - fixed terracotta caches to support terracotta 3.1.0 updated to use oss.sonatype.org ren ...
Sunday, September 13th at 01:05:17
marktakala: Much of the OSGi metadata drudgery is relieved by Maven plugins, some written for Apache Felix OSGi container; others are provided by Sling
Saturday, September 12th at 21:14:28
onekilo79: parallel junit 4.7 via maven and spring 3.0 http://bit.ly/1aeadv hopefully will be included in future releases
Saturday, September 12th at 21:13:38
game_flash: Continuous Integration with Maven, Flex, Fliunt, and Hudson http://bit.ly/3Q4DBY
Saturday, September 12th at 19:43:32
blojsomdev: r3720 provides the upgrade utility as a maven project. Need to push some snapshots to the #artifactory repos before you can use it.
Saturday, September 12th at 16:16:52
acdog: [yeslib] http://bit.ly/1ZWhEI Artie Copeland - added oss.sonatype.org repo
Saturday, September 12th at 14:03:28
davecheney: Playing with maven and github, http://bit.ly/1zGmAc
Saturday, September 12th at 06:20:04
kevinmook: Complete Google App Engine + Lift + Maven project zipped up (Eclipse friendly): http://bit.ly/2x7lKy
Saturday, September 12th at 05:09:03
JavaChilly: O'reilly to the rescue: Maven, Dojo, Javascript definitive guides AND Practical Perforce. Reference at hand --check!
Saturday, September 12th at 01:37:27
acdog: [jmlnitrate] http://bit.ly/Ncc74 yestech - added gpg and other pom artifacts so it can be relesed to oss.sonatype.org
Saturday, September 12th at 06:53:10
rpanachi: #maven funciona mas é muito complicado. hora de mudar para #buildr http://buildr.apache.org/
Friday, September 11th at 18:51:16
nwkr: @kbrazulewicz : One of the #Atlassian #Maven servers provides invalid data. My solution may be also proper for #Confluence. www.tiny.pl/hqgwt
Friday, September 11th at 15:09:24
AntholoJ: looks like am starting to <3 #maven thanks for the good #netbeans integration
Friday, September 11th at 13:01:09
krimple: For my own reference as well, #flexmojos information #flex https://docs.sonatype.org/display/FLEXMOJOS/Home
Friday, September 11th at 12:30:01
joonaslehtinen: #Vaadin + #Maven & #Vaadin + Google #AppEngine micro-howtos: http://tinyurl.com/nsypfr
Friday, September 11th at 10:30:56
jvanzyl: People really like the Sonatype FlexMojos project: http://bit.ly/SNXuc
Friday, September 11th at 09:05:10
jfiset: @scott_lowe We're about to implement Flex-10, #nexus, and NetApp for vSphere over the next few weeks. should be fun.
Thursday, September 10th at 23:29:38
Han_Cholo: Got #Nexus and half way through with #Hudson.
Thursday, September 10th at 22:14:27
Han_Cholo: Installing #Nexus and #Hudson. Thanks @scottawilliams for the help on getting started.
Thursday, September 10th at 18:26:38
nwkr: in #IntelliJ IDEA CTRL+SHIFT+F9 in debug mode is very useful while developing a #JIRA plugin. No need for rebuilding whole #Maven project.
Thursday, September 10th at 17:23:00
neotyk: RT @stuartsierra: #maven enabled swank #clojure fork http://bit.ly/3mY3OT
Thursday, September 10th at 16:37:19
vincentkok: @stuq just tried this one: http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/ and you should have a look at SpringSource #sts too
Thursday, September 10th at 12:17:43
karianna: Battling various #Maven plugins - really annoying when you see issues fixed but no-one merges the patches in
Thursday, September 10th at 11:47:09
brettporter: @cziegeler are you sure? OS X version 10.5.8 and 10.6.0 both install #maven 2.0.9 here
Thursday, September 10th at 11:33:59
talios: #maven enforcer rule API looks simple enough I should be able to solve my needs easily if theres no third-party rules.
Thursday, September 10th at 10:29:18
coffeecoders: Read #Maven: The Definitive Guide online or download the PDF for free (English,German and Chinese) @http://tr.im/yk3B #props to sonatype
Thursday, September 10th at 09:07:12
ildella: Upgrade #maven on Ubuntu: http://bit.ly/3udpWJ
Thursday, September 10th at 08:35:47
vishwajeets: @mrdonbrown thanks for your support I have only one small concern that docs should stress more on using atlas wrapper commands for maven
Thursday, September 10th at 07:52:49
cambo_sareuon: @leejava If you want to know more about Maven go to http://bit.ly/xgZ9H
Thursday, September 10th at 03:55:47
bubbl_scala: Stash's Development: Playing with Scala and Maven http://ff.im/-7RVqf
Thursday, September 10th at 02:36:37
brettporter: if you're looking to fail a build, you'll want to use the Maven PMD plugin and write a rule for it.
Thursday, September 10th at 01:00:25
steffeng: Having fun with #hudson's #maven integration internals. Anybody using hudson with maven > 2.1.0? I need a hand: http://is.gd/35HIy
Thursday, September 10th at 00:09:53
talios: lazyweb - Is there an Apache Maven plugin to fail a build a certain codefragment/constructor is called? I know aspectj has something...
Thursday, September 10th at 00:05:56
stuartsierra: Wrestling with #maven #clojure #hadoop http://bit.ly/2UAW6H
Wednesday, September 9th at 22:12:38
stuartsierra: #maven enabled swank #clojure fork http://bit.ly/3mY3OT
Wednesday, September 9th at 15:11:07
rystraum: is checking out apache #archive, #maven and #continuum.
Wednesday, September 9th at 13:33:18
dsonpatricio: #maven: Pulando testes na hora de uma instalação de emergência: http://bit.ly/28vuOd
Wednesday, September 9th at 13:33:14
giovanninappi: #Maven me place sempre plus... Anque si io non ha ancora trovate alcun guida vermente complete de nivello base
Wednesday, September 9th at 09:16:57
devylon: RT @stuartsierra Updated #hadoop #maven POMs http://bit.ly/18BETG
Wednesday, September 9th at 07:46:49
somkiat: mvn war:war =>export war file #maven
Wednesday, September 9th at 07:43:15
Tunaranch: /me thinks #maven should stop using -SNAPSHOT plugins by default...
Wednesday, September 9th at 04:39:16
itdnext: learning how to use #maven and enjoying it.
Wednesday, September 9th at 01:50:20

Jason is a co-founder and the former CTO of Sonatype.
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