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Sonatype in the News: Dr. Dobbs Interview

Check out Jason's interview with Dr. Dobbs in which he explains the meaning of the name Sonatype and talks about the effort to bring better Maven integration to Eclipse. Eclipse Ganymede, Maven, and More is an interview with Dr. Dobb's Jonathan Erickson.

"The project is called m2eclipse or m2e for short, and consists of two major parts: IDE integration, and a build automation framework for OSGi called Tycho. The goal of the two parts is to bring complete parity to developers and release engineers. Developers typically live inside their IDEs, while release engineers crave total automation and spend much of their time honing build servers to deliver, in consumable form, what developers have created. m2eclipse provides massive gains in developer productivity and eases release engineer pain by providing visualization techniques, direct access to Maven repositories via our integration with Nexus, our Maven repository manager, and advanced editors to simplify the use of Maven inside Eclipse. Sonatype is committed to the Eclipse platform and feels that m2e is a significant step in joining the Maven and Eclipse communities."

Read More at Dr. Dobbs

For more information about Nexus and m2eclipse:

Picture of Tim OBrien

Written by Tim OBrien

Tim is a Software Architect with experience in all aspects of software development from project inception to developing scaleable production architectures for large-scale systems during critical, high-risk events such as Black Friday. He has helped many organizations ranging from small startups to Fortune 100 companies take a more strategic approach to adopting and evaluating technology and managing the risks associated with change.